

College Advising

Thank you so much for helping me with every twist and turn of my college search. I remember that at the end of 11th grade I was stressed and nervous about looming college applications. I was so frightened that I would make the wrong decision. You helped me along every step of the way, calming my feared mind and answering my numerous questions. I don’t know what I would have done without you!
— Olivia H., attending Cal Poly San Luis Obispo

Thanks, Sarah. It’s been a pleasure working with you and we can’t thank you enough for all your help. Again, such a pleasure working with you. We are thrilled for our son.
— Carrie G., parent of student admitted Early Decision to Whitman College

Thank you for everything you did for us this past year (and in junior year). Your constant updates and reminders were so helpful. You always gave me your input and opinion in such a constructive and nice way that I really trusted what you said and took it to heart. I also really appreciate all the work you did to help us that we did not see, including meeting with college admissions people and doing our transcripts. You are so kind, passionate and amazing. Thank you.
— Amanda P., attending Clark University

Sarah has helped me apply to colleges first as a high school senior and then again as a transfer student, and she was extremely helpful and supportive through the entire process! Her extensive knowledge of colleges all over the U.S. makes her an exceptionally qualified college counselor. After discussing my interests and goals, Sarah was able to help me build a great college list that I felt confident and excited about. The college application process can be overwhelming and difficult at times, and Sarah’s help took a lot of stress out of the process for me. She was available and flexible with her timing. She was also very reliable and always ready to help me when I had a question or needed help with an essay. I can guarantee working with Sarah will help you immensely with the college application process, and get you excited about your options and your future!
— Sofie H., attended Scripps College and Bennington College


Essay Coaching

I loved my time working with Sarah during the college application season. She provides great feedback not only for the grammar, but also for the content itself. She understands that writing is a narrative so well, therefore offers insightful comments on how to make my voice stand out. She’s an attentive listener, encouraging me to talk about what’s difficult for me during writing blocks and gently walking me through it with constructive advice. Her patience, kind and warm nature makes her a fantastic mentor for everyone, but especially for someone like me who has English as my second language.
— Jialin L., attended UC Santa Cruz and Cornell University

Thank you so much, Sarah! You have been such an important part of all 3 college processes. I will miss having you around! All three kids always looked forward to their sessions with you. I think the calm and supportive presence you brought forward in your work with them gave them freedom and curiosity to explore their thoughts and words. You gave them a chance to find their voice in their essays and I know the process of essay writing and revision helped them feel more confident about themselves in general. And I suspect that the process you shared with them has/will make them better writers in college. But they gained more than just becoming better writers. You took their nascent thoughts and ideas seriously and helped them give them shape and depth. That was the gift you gave them and for that we are so grateful for you!
— Brigitte S. parent of three students (Vassar College, Northwestern University, Whitman College)


Sarah was a godsend when my teenagers were applying to high school and college respectively. She quickly established rapport with them and was able to guide them in writing essays that were strong and polished and always captured their unique voices. She has a knack for pulling out from a student what is important to them and helping them get it on the page with results that are authentic. Best of all, I was able to completely step away from the process which was so much better for my relationship with my kids.
— Jennifer P., parent of son attending Chapman University

Working with Sarah was an absolute delight! She approached my college process calmly, compassionately, and supportively. She was invaluably helpful. She transformed an otherwise stressful application process into a mutually trusting, affirming exploration of self, and guided my writing to authentically constitute my narrative on paper. We scheduled weekly calls to debrief the progress I had made, and debate edits we had made in the preceding days over Google Docs. When my writing became overly verbose, she was able to extract the central nugget of meaning from a paragraph, and use that as a foundation upon which to build the rest of my essay. Not only is she extraordinarily qualified in her analysis and deconstruction of essays, her cool, measured attitude complements perfectly the deepest hopes and aspirations of whoever she works with. She can envision how best to shape your narrative, and present your most raw, authentic moments as the truest expression of you. Sarah helped me get where I wanted to go, and I am eternally grateful to her. If you have the pleasure of working with her, it is an experience you won’t soon forget. ”
— Gunnar B., accepted Early Decision to Vassar College